Meet Rafi the Collared Aracari: Toucan Species Special Feature

Today we continue in my series of special feature toucan interviews with Rafi, a gorgeous representative of the Collared aracari species. This will probably conclude the series for the time being, unless we find any other toucan friends with interesting species of … Continue reading


Meet the Curl-Crested Aracari Crew: Toucan Species Special Feature

I am very excited to continue this series of toucan species interviews today featuring a true toucan man named Jeff and his eclectic flock which just so happens to include some of the most fascinating-looking toucans of all the 38+ species – … Continue reading


Meet Yoshi the Emerald Toucanet: Toucan Species Special Feature

My series of toucan species interviews continues with one of our tinier cousins. Just in case you missed them, be sure to check out my other interviews featuring our friends, Touk the Green Aracari, Pixie the Swainson’s, and Pogo the … Continue reading
